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Shelter Harmony

Shelter Harmony

Product Code: SHE0000258
Sweet. Just drop the Harmony on your favorite vinyl and listen. Sweet. And wow what a soundstage. And wow what balance from top to bottom. And how about that bass - tight, full and lively. The midrange is so sweet but not at the cost of dynamics. No syrup here - just great musicality and richness.

The Harmony is an ideal cartridge for the very high end enthusiast. It delivers everything a vinyl junkie would want!

Shelter Harmony MC Cartridge features:
- Output Voltage: 0.5 mV at 1-kHz 5-cm/second
- Channel Balance: Within 0.8dB at 1-kHz
- Weight: 8.5g
- DC Resistance: 15 ohms
- Tracking Force Range: 1.4 to 2.2g
- Cantilever: Aluminum; shortened for added strength & rapid response
- Monocoque body from CFRF (carbon fiber reinforced plastic); decreases vibrations

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