In Stock - order now and get a Verum 1 shipped right out to you! We have 1 Carbon still in stock.
Shipping is erratic from Ukraine and it is unpredictable how long it takes to get out of Ukraine and here to us. If you order, be prepared to wait until they arrive. We will ship them as soon as they are here. Verum Audio is doing their best under the circumstances to provide product to us.
As I am sure you are aware, the Ukraine is currently at war and all shipments are moving very slowly until peace has returned to the region.
Verum Has been building small batches and shipping to us. Please do not expect your order to ship quickly.
You can order now with the expectation of waiting for them to be in stock again - aprox 6-12 weeks. You will be charged but we will not take the payment (it will fall off of your credit card within a few days) but put you in line for the day they do arrive. You will get an email once they are on their way to us for payment.
Please keep Verum Audio and all of the Ukraine in your prayers!
Read what members of Head-Fi had to say about the Verum 1 headphones here!
So who is the Verum 1 made for?No doubt, that the Verum 1 is an audiophile product - open planar headphones, big over-ear design, premium materials. But Verum Audio's main goal is to make an audiophile grade product available for every music lover.
The Verum 1 benefits from a Hi-End source & amplifier, but also feel at home plugged into a smartphone or quality DAP without any issues.